Sunday, August 21, 2011

Senior year, at last.

Today is pretty much the final day of my high school summer. It's a little crazy to look back and wonder where my life has gone.. But as i look ahead i notice where it's at. Lately, i've been a tad depressed. Knowing that in one year all the friendships and relationships i've been making my whole life are going to fade. This sense of loss makes me want to stay right where i'm at and never leave. If time could stop and make this moment last forever, i think i would be quite satisfied. BUT. Can't follow the impossible. So instead of waiting around for time to slow down or completely stop i decided i am going to live it up. This last year of high school is said to be the best year of our lives. So why run around living on the past or the future when we could be living up the very second? Exactly what i decided to do. Every moment of this next year i am going to live up. Every second with my girls i will laugh, smile, rebel, be crazy, and whatever else our hearts desire. With my best friend i am going to kiss slowly, cherish the butterflies, laugh at his jokes, love his smile, and enjoy every last second with him. My little brothers will always drive me crazy but drive me crazy enough to love every moment with them. Im going to thank my parents and remember the life they've given me. In school, i will take in every piece of knowledge that my little used up brain can take. When it comes to church, I am going to thank the lord for all the little things and show my gratitude to him. This year is going to be a very memorable year. I have a lot to look forward to but for now i live in the second. I remember that this time is short and i can only cherish the present. So in about 12 hours I begin the greatest journey of my life. Time to give out a cheers for the next year. Time to celebrate the best class of all time. Class of 2012. Lift your voices, raise your cups, and sing along with me. Time to live it all up. Because this is what we have waited for our whole life. Our time is NOW. Here it is. Welcome to our senior year.. At last. (:

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Fallen in love with my new inspiration. Charm royal photography.. (: mmm.. nothing like a little inspiration in the down time.

Fallen in love with my new inspiration. Charm royal photography.. (: mmm.. nothing like a little inspiration in the down time.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Love. One of the most open ended words in the world. Love comes in many different ways, acts in different ways, and definitely ends in different ways. Each and every one of us have a story to tell. My story would probably be one of the longest most complicated love stories in the world. But that doesn't mean im not grateful for what it has brought to me. Love is the one thing that can change a person's whole perspective on theirself and also on the world. I have definitely changed because of one simple word but years of experience. It's nice to know your heart has a passion for beating. I now have a reason to look into the world with a big smile knowing that one person will be behind me smiling as well. I'm so happy to have a best friend that can appreciate me for who i am and what i stand for. Sooo grateful for that one boy in my life. He has taught me so much and has changed my life for the better. Though breakups aren't always easy, i always have a best friend who will make me happy. So i'm just gonna be happy that this special person isn't gone for good. Just bein happy with the little things that make me smile. Life is good. :) i love you brady!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


It's crazy to think about life lately. Time is flowing by and memories are blurring. Pain. Drama. Tears. Everything leaves my head spinning. There comes a point when i ask.. Why do i have to live through this? Little did i realize i'm not in the hospital... I'm not in Japan.. I'm not begging on the street.. I have the most wonderful family.. And an amazing boyfriend.. A warm house and food to keep me company. Why complain when i have a great community around me? Sometimes we dont realize how much we really have and how many people are there to comfort us when the sky is turning gray. Ya.. Sometimes we feel like we dont have one friend there for us.. Sometimes we feel like we dont have the strength to take another step forward.. BUT.. We have living breath and a beautiful world around us.. I find no sense in complaining about that. Life is beautiful. We just need to open our eyes a little wider and be grateful for the things that really matter in life. So step outside. Smell the fresh air. Smile. And tell yourself you are grateful. It's that easy. :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011


‎Lately, I've been dealing with a tough injury and friend drama.. Through inspirations, I put together a little quote to help people like me get through.
..Everyone in the world gets hurt.. Physically and emotionally or maybe even both.. But life will never give up on you. Stand strong. Be happy. Don't let the pain give into your happiness. Just laugh the pain away. Because life is what you make it and YOU have the choice to bring yourself down or keep pushing forward with a smile. So hello world, i'm invincible and you can never bring me down.. :)