Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

I've Been Tagged!!

8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Andy's Greek Food
2. Sizzler
3. Olive Garden
4. Rumbi Grill
5. Burger Bar
6. Bajio
7. Costa Vida
8. Pace's Dairy Ann

8 Favorite T.V. Shows
1. So You Think You Can Dance
2. American Idol
3. Hannah Montana
4. Soon to Be... J.O.N.A.S
i dont watch tv at all so those are a couple i thought of!! haha

8 Favorite Things I Did Yesterday
1. Woke up/got ready for school
2. Went to all 7 classes
3. Cheered at a Basketball Game
4. Ate at Taco Time
5. Texted on my cell
6. Performed at Thriller
7. Zonked out in the car while driving home from Salt Lake
8. Went to Bed!!!! Exhausted!!! Wooh

8 Things I Am Looking Forward to
1. Thriller to be over
2. Cheer competitionS!!!! Dec. 6th and 15th
3. My foot and hamstring to be completely healed!! I praise that day!!!
4. Turning 16!!! and getting my permit in 2 1/2 months
5. Christmas
6. Seeing the Milne's
7. Skiing... hopefully if cheer allows
8. High School

8 Things I Wish For
1. A little sister
2. A boyfriend that is thoughtful
3. Better Grades...
4. A car when i turn 16
5. Friends will always stay close... no drama
6. Cafeteria to be done at the school
7. Blackberry phone
8. A suntan

Sunday, October 5, 2008

GiRlZ NiGhT OuT!!!


i. don't. like. chipmunks.

Ow Ow!! (:

My MoM gOt A kIcK oUt Of ThEsE 2 BeLow!!! haha



Aw HoW cUtE!!!

* PeAcE*

SuNgLasSeS!!!.. go taylor ha


Mar Mar!!!!

LoRtAy aka Taylor!!

GiNgE aka Madi


MaDi and Me

LortAy AnD Mar Mar

YuM!!! doesn't that look delicious?!?!?

TaYlOr's "SnOwMaN"

MaDi's PeAce SiGn

WoW!! AreN'T we OnE oF a Kind?!?!

My NeW nOse RiNg!!!

...AnD LiP RinG!!


My BeAuTiMuS RiNgS!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

ChEer PiCtUreS! 08-09

SuNsEt 08-09 chEeR sQuAd!!

* LiVe to ChEeR*
Top row: Rylee Schenck, Brighton Ketts, Tia Tabile, Taylor Hopper, Arianne Horning, Caitlyn Christensen, McKenzi Becraft, Marley McClune, Alivia Gonzales
Bottom Row: Kylie Wilson, Whitnie Barnes, Landon Young, Brooke Baham, April Duran

*If It'S iN YoUr HeArT, iT sHoWs In YoUr SpIrIt*

The 4 Amigos!!!! (and the 5 if Madi was in there!!)

OfFiCeRs: Rylee Schenck (captain), Marley McClune (secretary), Brighton Ketts (co-captain)

LiVe, LoVe, ChEer <3

Thursday, October 2, 2008

So YoU tHiNk YoU cAn DaNcE oN tOuR!!!!